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Shenzhen Hycomms Communication Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Hycomms", "We", "Us", "Our" are required in context) deeply understand the importance of privacy to you and respect your privacy. Before submitting your personal information to Hycomms, please read and understand this Privacy Policy ("Policy"). The Policy sets forth how Hycomms collects, uses, stores, and shares your personal information and how We provide you with the access to, updating, and protection of your personal information. We will, with your written consent, collect your personal information according to the Policy and use your personal information for the purposes permitted by the Policy. The Policy probably cannot cover all possible circumstances of data treatment in your use of Hycomms products. If Hycomms needs to collect any data uncovered by the Policy when providing you with a specific product or service, Hycomms will release supplementary policy from time to time or in the notice of collection of specific data and obtain your written consent.


1. What Information Do We Collect?

1.1 What your personal information do We collect?

The information submitted by you on your own initiative. When you make a request for information, subscribe for or order a product or service, register to be a user, complete the online questionnaire, or send data to Us on your own initiative, we generally collect your name, email address, mailing address, company name, telephone number, and specific information and data relating to the business you are engaged in. In each of the above mentioned circumstances, your information is submitted by you on your own initiative, so you will know what data we are collecting.

The information collected by Us automatically. As a part of standard operation of Our website, We may collect information, including but not limited to the type of your browser, your operating system, and the IP address and domain name used by you when visiting Our website, from your computer or mobile terminal. If you visit Our website using a mobile terminal, we may also collect the type of your mobile terminal. In addition, we will probably collect the information about the manner you use Our website, such as the date and time of your visit, the section of Our website and the webpage you visit, the time you spend on visiting Our website, the number of times of your return to Our website, and other clickstream data.

If you refuse to provide relevant information, you probably cannot register as Our user, visit Our website, use some of Our products, enjoy some of Our services, or realize the intended effect of relevant services.

You agree that We may automatically collect your personal information mentioned above for the purposes specified herein within the scope specified herein.

Cookie. We may use cookie, web beacon, or similar technologies to collect the above mentioned information. Cookie is a small text file stored in the hard drive of your computer or terminal when you browse a website. We may use cookie for: (1) providing you with customized contents or services at the website; (2) monitoring the use of the website; (3) identifying you when you return to Our website; and (4) carrying out research so as to improve the contents and services of Our website.

You may reject cookie without restriction, but you probably cannot use certain functions of Our website or fully utilize all contents and services provided by Us if you do so. You may check the Help menu on your browser to understand how to change your cookie preference.

1.2 Sensitive personal information

Some information is deemed as sensitive personal information for its particularity, such as your email address, mailing address, telephone number. Sensitive personal information is protected more strictly than other personal information.

It should be noted that the contents and information (such as the photos relating to your social activities) provided, uploaded, or released by you when using Our services may disclose or leak your sensitive personal information. You should prudently consider whether to disclose your relevant sensitive personal information when you use Our services.

You agree to process your sensitive personal information for the purposes specified herein in the manner specified herein.


2. How Do We Use Your Personal Information?

We may use your personal information collected by Us for following purposes:

Providing you with the services or functions requested by you;

Repairing or maintaining your Hycomms equipment;

Understanding the manner the users use Our products and services so as to improve Our services and develop new products and services;

Providing customized contents and making recommendations to you according to your prior use of Our services;

Releasing advertisements such as pushing customized advertisements and sponsored contents and sending to you promotion information;

Evaluating and analyzing the market, customers, products, and services (including inquiring your advice on Our products and services and carrying out customer survey);

Holding the activities of free prize draw, or promotions within the scope permitted by law; and

Any other use with your consent.


3. Whom Would We Disclose Your Personal Information To?

If certain service will be provided by a cooperative partner authorized by Hycomms, Hycomms will share your personal information with such partner as stated herein. For example, when you purchase a Hycomms product on line, Hycomms must share your personal information with the logistics service provider to deliver the product to you or arrange a cooperative partner to provide service for you.

In addition, We may share your personal information between Our affiliates, but We ensure that We will obtain your prior consent before sharing your personal information and sharing of your personal information complies with the personal information protection law governing Hycomms or that of the affiliate receiving the information.

Hycomms may also disclose your personal information to relevant law-enforcing authority or any other government department as required by applicable laws or according to relevant legal procedures, including but not limited to disclosing your personal information to any competent law-enforcing authority, regulator, government body, court, or any third party when necessary for performing Hycomms's obligations under applicable laws or observing the provisions or requirements of any judicial decision or judgement or any government or regulatory authority.  If Hycomms or Hycomms's affiliate is restructured, merged, bankrupt, or in liquidation proceedings, your personal information may also be disclosed to the counterparty. In addition, Hycomms may also disclose your personal data when reasonably necessary and appropriate, for example for the purpose of performing a contract, exercising, establishing, or protecting Our lawful rights, protecting the vital interests of you or others, preventing personal injury or property loss, or investigating threatening or actual illegalities.


4. Your Rights

To refuse to receive information. We may take advantage of your personal information to send marketing information to you by Our services, email, or other means. If you do not want to receive such marketing information, you may refuse to receive such marketing information or unsubscribe for relevant service by clicking relevant option or linkage in Our advertisement or email. We may send to you an announcement on services when necessary (for example, when a specific service needs to be suspended for system maintenance). You probably cannot refuse to receive the announcements that are relating to services and are not promotion information. Please note that Our affiliates and other parties receiving data have their own data privacy policies. So, you need to contact the aforementioned parties with respect to refusal to receive the requests from those parties according to privacy policies.

To have access to, modify, update, and delete information. If you want to know what kind of your personal information has been collected and kept by Hycomms or to update or request Us to delete your personal information that has been submitted by you via Our website and is not accurate or complete or is outdated, you may send your request for modification or deletion by email to After receiving your request, We will use your prior personal information to authenticate your identity first and, after you pass the identity authentication, We will provide, update, modify, or delete your personal information at your request. We will take any action We deem appropriate to treat the too frequent or manifestly unreasonable requests.

To make a complaint about personal information. If you think that your personal information has been misused or disclosed without due authorization by Hycomms or you make any objection to or complaint about Hycomms’s collection or treatment of your personal information, you may send an email to and We will deal with your compliant and suggestion as early as possible.


5. How Do We Protect Your Information?

Hycomms attaches importance to the security of personal information. We adopt appropriate physical measures, management methods, and technologies to protect your personal information from being accessed without due authorization, disclosed, used, modified, damaged, or lost. For example, We will use encryption technology to keep data confidential; We will adopt protection mechanism to protect data from malicious attack; We will deploy access control mechanism to ensure that only the authorized persons may access personal information; and We will hold the training courses of security and privacy protection to enhance the employees’understanding of the importance of protecting personal information. We will try our best to protect your personal information, but it should be noted that no security measure is invulnerable.


6. Period of Data Preservation

We will preserve your personal information during the period that is necessary for achieving the purposes specified herein, unless the period of data preservation is prolonged with your consent or as required by law. The periods of data preservation for different products and services under difference circumstances may be different. The standards taken by Us for determining the period of data preservation: the time needed for preserving personal information for achieving relevant business purpose including provision of products or services, maintenance of corresponding trading and business records, control and improvement of the performance and quality of relevant products or services, safeguarding relevant system, products, or services, handling of possible user inquiries or complaints, or positioning of problems; whether the user accepts longer period of data preservation; and whether there are special requirements on preservation of data specified in a contract or by law. We will preserve your registration information so long as your account is necessary for providing you with services. You may also choose to cancel your account, but We will stop providing you with products and services under such account and, if no laws otherwise require, delete your relevant personal information after such account is cancelled by you.


7. International Transfers of Personal Data

Hycomms will share your personal information with Our affiliates and authorized partners as stated herein. Your personal information will be transferred to and processed in other countries, which have implemented its own data protection laws and regulations, different from that of China (or your personal data may not be protected under some conditions). Hycomms transfer your personal data to other countries complies with the personal information protection law governing Hycomms or that of the party receiving the information, and We take reasonable measures to protect your personal information.


8. Kids Privacy

The target group of Our website is adults. We will not intentionally collect any personal information about a juvenile who is younger than 14 and the juveniles who are younger than 14 shall not submit any  personal information at Our website.


9. Policy Changes

We reserve the right, at Our sole discretion , to modify, revise, supplement, or delete the Policy from time to time and state in the Policy the date of the last update, and such revision is an integral part of the Policy. The updated privacy policy will be published at Our websites. You may understand the updated privacy policy by visiting Our websites. If such revision leads to substantial reduction of your rights under the Policy, We will notify you of such revision before it becomes effective by prompting you at a marked position of Our homepage, sending you an email, or otherwise. We suggest that the users read the Policy anew from time to time to know relevant changes.

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